Conversation Lessons

'Vluchtelingenwerk Delft' (Refugee Council) starts in September 2016 with conversation classes for status holders in community center 'De Vleuge'. Do you find it difficult to conduct interviews in public, in the store or, for example, the physician or any other organizations? Sign up for lessons. During the conversation class you will learn to conduct basic conversations in Dutch in a small groups and you will also get information about different organizations and other social issues. The classes are free of charge for 2 hours per week for a period of 6 months. The days and times will be announced. If you are motivated to learn the Dutch language in a practical way and you have not previously participated conversation classes, you are welcome to sign up. The application can be sent to: 

Vluchtelingenwerk Delft, Jane Dinmohamed, e-mail: 


'Delft voor Elkaar'

In case you don't have guidance from 'Vluchtelingenwerk' (Refugee Council) anymore and you experience social or other problems, please contact ContactPunt 'Delft voor Elkaar'. The employees will help you right away to solve your problem(s) and often refer to (informal) organizations.

Further information: phone: +31 (0)15 - 760 02 00 (available between 09:00 and 13:00 hrs). You can visit us: Van Bleyswijckstraat 91, Delft (workingdays between 09:00 and 12:00 hrs).




If you have difficulty filling out forms and you don't have guidance from (Refugee Council) anymore, you can contact the 'Formulierenbrigade' (FormsBrigade). They can help you with filling out forms and applying for allowances. They work within office hours (you don't need to make an appointment, you can just walk in):

  • Monday: 14:00 to 16:00 hrs.
  • Tuesday: 10:00 to 12:00 hrs.
  • Thursday: 10: 00-12: 00 hrs.

You can sign in at the desk of Contact Point 'Delft voor Elkaar', address: Van Bleyswijkstraat 91, Delft. Also you can call to make an appointment with the FormsBrigade, phone: +31 (0)15 - 760 02 00.


Delft Neighbour

Do you want to practice Dutch in an easy way by exploring the city with a resident of Delft, by drinking coffee together or eat something? Sign in at Delft Neighbour ('Deltse Buur'). This organization works with volunteers (buddies) who will make your way around in Delft.

More information: Ria Pool Meeuwsen, phone: +31 (0)6 - 52 37 33 78, e-mail:


Dutch up your life

Are you learning Dutch, but you don't have enough opportunities to practice the language or you find it scary to speak the language? Then 'Dare to Dutch' can be interesting! 'Dare to Dutch' conversation classes are offered by 'Dutch up your life'. During this conversation an hour you can be in an informal setting to use your language skills and new learning. No matter what your level, the classes are free and registration is not necessary. Children are welcome and can play freely.

Dutch up your life – Dare to Dutch!


Language House DOK

The language home library DOK Delft is available for everyone who wants to speak, read and write (better) Dutch. Language House DOK is an information point, but you can also go there to practice Dutch with eachother or alone (using the computer). 

Speaking hours:

  • Tuesday: 14:00-17:30 hrs
  • Thursday: 14:00 to 17:30 hrs
  • Friday: 14:00-17:30 hrs

If you are interested in DOK Language House in Voorhof, address: Duke Ellington street 203, phone (only during office hours): +31 (0)15 - 744 00 62, e-mail:


Welcome to Delft

Welcome to Delft Delft is a collaboration between various initiatives with the aim to welcome new residents of Delft. This is done through various organized activities. Want to stay informed about the activities, visit the facebook page of Welcome to Delft:

Digital Map Delft

For an overview of activities and services (a.o. health, financial matters) in Delft, Digital Map Delft is created. You can search and download Delft wide, but it's also possible to see what is offered in your area.

The map is available at:

District Contact Points

At the district contact points you can find a variety of social and practical questions, but also for questions about activities in the area in which you can participate. Each district has one or more contacts and is working within office hours (you don't need to make an appointment, but just can walk in):

  • Contact Point Neighbourhood Buitenhof: Wijkpost Vestia (adjacent to Diepenbrockstraat), Tuesday 13:00 to 15:00 hrs
  • Horizon Elementary School (Brahmslaan 42), Thursday 10:00 to 12:00 hrs
  • Activity Ardemia (Mozartlaan 672), Friday 09:00 to 11:00 hrs
  • District of contact Tanthof: Wijkcentrum De Hofstee (Sandinoweg 149), Tuesday 13:00 to 15:00 hrs
  • District of contact Voordijkshoorn: Wijkcentrum De Parel (Beresteynstraat 99), Wednesday 10:00 to 12:00 hrs
  • District of contact Voorhof, Horizon Elementary School ( Poptahof North 448a), Tuesday 08:15 to 10:15 hrs
  • Elementary School Eglantier (Ina Boudier-Bakkerstraat 2), Thursday 10:00 to 12:00 hrs
  • District of contact Wippolder: Wijkcentrum Wippolder (Professor Kraus Street 50), Thursday 10:00 to 12:00 hrs
